Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Think like a Fish

There are two basic things that people fear.

#1 Death

#2 Being Sold

So, if you are trying to sell something to someone....STOP. It doesn't work. People naturally have a 6th sense about them and they can usually smell it a mile away.

We need to quit trying to be a hunter and more like a fisherman.


That's right. We need to quit hunting and start fishing.

What does an animal do when it senses being hunted?

It runs.

The same is true in any business venture. Stop hunting and instead let the prospect or consumer come to you.

Your job is not to SELL. It's not to convince. Its simply to throw out some information (like bait) and let the prospect decide whether or not they are interested. And....if they bite? Reel em' in!

Get this straight and your business will soar.

(quit treating people like a meal ticket, and start caring for their needs. Discover their problem and solve it)

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