Tuesday, March 10, 2009

MLM Success Tip #14 "Understand Numbers"

This is a numbers game.

Anyone that tells you different either is selling you something else (like their CD, their e-book, their training material, website, book, seminar).

We seek two things in life...#1 Pleasure #2 How to escape pain

If something is easy, free, doesn't require much time, doesn't require talking with people and appears like we can get rich quick...we jump.


Have you ever read this phrase while looking for ways to do your business better? "THE SECRET FOR MLM SUCCESS!!!"

Well, I'm going to share with you the secret.

Are you ready?

I hope so, because this is going to blow your mind.

Go grab a pen and get ready to write this down because it will change your life.

The secret to MLM success....(and remember this has only been known by the upper ONE PERCENT of all successful network marketing millionaires) is.....................

Drum Roll.............................

There is no secret. Ta dah!

There isn't a company, product, gadget, gizmo, compensation plan, leadership team, in the world that is going to make YOU successful. That all comes from you.


The successful MLM leaders that get and understand the theory behind "large numbers" wins.

Here's why. Because this ISN'T SALES. You are not trying to convince ANYONE about the business. Either they are interested or they're not. The numbers show that 3 out of 100 will do your business.

So.....why do 95% of people fail in network marketing? Because they don't work the numbers and they don't let the numbers work for them.

Take massive action with massive numbers and compress those numbers within a short time frame.

See, alot of leaders teach the 3 X 3 method. Where three get three and they get three and they get three to infinity.

What happens?

Somewhere along the line bobby joe recruits mary jane and she recruits uncle Tom who really doesn't care either way and we suffer......."attrition".

You won't keep 100% of the people you sponsor in your group or downline. They will fall out for one reason or another. So....if you take the slow method and it takes 1 year to attract 14 people into the business, and 2 months later they are all out of the business....you will always be playing catch up!! HOWEVER, if you take those same 14 people and compress them into a ONE WEEK time frame. What happens?

You gain momentum. You gain excitement. The train has left the station and is picking up speed, and believe me...people don't want to jump from a fast moving train.

Monday, March 9, 2009

MLM Success Tip #13 "Don't carry two on your back"

Jim Rohn used to say "You can carry one on your back, but you can never carry two!"

How true of a statement.

It's where the term "Man, get off my BACK!!!!" came from. All the weight would come crashing down...slowing you down....and after a while...."MAN, GET OFF MY BACK!!!!!"

You're pulling all the weight. You're doing all the work. You're busting yourself to motivate your downline. You're training. You're doing the calls. You, you, you , you , you............

See the problem? You.

You're not duplicating yourself. This is a business of duplication. It's not a "sales" business. MLM gets the misconception of being a "sales" business. But that couldn't be further from the truth.

You've heard the expression before? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

How true it is.

Here is an analogy to leave you with:

It's like you are in a lifeboat, and everyone else is drowning in the water. Some are fighting to survive while others have given up. You don't have that much time!! You can't save everyone. (And that's the hard part. Because you want to save everyone. But you can't.) So...you must decide who you are going to help. Don't waste your time trying to pull someone out of the water that doesn't want to be saved. You will expend all your time and energy trying to pull that person from the water and they won't fight for their own survival. They won't kick or pull or do ANYTHING to aid in their own LIFE!! Meanwhile, as you are struggling to save that ONE life...there are THOUSANDS who are struggling all around. TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK.

You have to make a decision with whom you are going to spend your time. You can want it for them....but it means absolute zero until they want it for themselves.

"You can carry one on your back, but you can never carry two"

Friday, March 6, 2009

MLM Success Tip #12 "Be Professional"

You are a business owner now. Be Professional.

1. Return all e-mail and voice mail messages in a timely fashion.

2. Follow through with the appointments you set.

3. Be at your appointments 10 minutes early and If you can't make an appointment on time or at all...call ahead of time and reschedule.

4. Answer your phone and if you are not available make sure your voice mail system sounds professional. Most important: Make sure your voice mail WORKS!

5. Check your e-mail and voice mail daily (sometimes twice!!)

6. Always reply to your e-mail (even if just a short message like "I got it. Thanks") to let the sender know their e-mail didn't get lost in cyber-space.

7. Do what you "Say" you're going to do. FOLLOW THROUGH

8. Respect others time like you would like them to respect YOUR TIME.

Doing the list above is respectful, courteous, and responsible.

Again, you are a business owner now. Be professional.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

MLM Success Tip #11 "Edify your upline and downline"

At all times it is important to encourage and support our upline leaders and downline leaders.

This is a unique business opportunity that puts you in business for yourself but not BY yourself. We are part of a larger team. And here is the cool part about MLM. It supports teamwork better than any other organizational structure out there. Upline success doesn't occur until there is some downline success.

We need to always be affirming each other, and lifting each other up. Especially in the presence of others. Building up someone while in front of a prospect or other business associate is HUGE for the overall success of your business.

Before conducting your next 3way phone conversation with your upline leader...try this....

Edify your leader in front of your prospect and let them hear you praise them. In return, the leader affirms the downline in the same manner.

It's called laying out the red carpet.

Try it today.

MLM Success Tip #10 "Stay Focused"

We already brought up the importance of having a calendar. But this is different. Staying Focused is essential to your success in MLM. It's easy to get distracted when you are working at home. You have all the temptations in the world from television, the computer, the phone, and friends and loved ones.

We're not on vacation here. We are working a business.

Where you turn your attention is what gets done and accomplished.

In NASCAR when a race driver feels his car starting to skid towards the wall he turns his head and changes his focal point to the inside of the track. The natural instinct would be to look at where you are going (the wall) but the driver knows that "you always end up where you are WANTING to go.....AND you always want to go where you are LOOKING".

Almost like a miracle the driver works himself out of the skid and misses the wall...simply by looking away.

In MLM we need to do the same thing. We need to keep our eyes focused on where we want to go. If that is two levels up....we need to change our focus on getting two levels up. If its recruiting 5 new individuals...we need to change our focus on getting 5 new individuals. And it starts with focus.

What are you focusing on?

MLM Success Tip #9 "Develop a Strong Why"

Why do you have an MLM business? Why Multi-Level Marketing or Networkmarketing or whatever you call it? Why?

It's vital for your success to have a strong and compelling "WHY" and have it written down. Let's not be naive enough to think that we'll never hit tough times in our business. We will...its unavoidable. However, you can curb the effects by having a strong why statement written out and placed in front of you at all times.

When you hit difficult times you can re-read your why statement as a reminder of WHY you do this business. That way we don't lose focus of the end results that we are striving for...

"Nothing good in life ever came free and easy. It took work. It took planning. It took blood, sweat and tears.....that way we can enjoy the fruits of our labor AFTERWARDS.

Write out your "Why Statement today"

Monday, March 2, 2009

MLM Success Tip #8 "Don't Take Advice from Poor People"

In the book "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George Clason, he tells a story of a young man that saves up enough money in a year to make an investment.

A brick layer comes along and tells him that he can invest his hard earned savings on some jewels from a distant land (which are worth 3 times the amount he would pay.) He could turn around and sell the jewels and triple his money.

(It's like modern day E-Bay right?)

The brick layer travels to the distant land and comes back with FAKE jewels. He ends up being scammed for jewels made of glass and the young man loses his money.

The lesson being learned that a brick layer understands the business of Laying brick, not the business of Buying and Selling Jewels.

Therefore, the same is true in your business. When a person comes to you and says "There is no money in that.....", "That's a scam", "That's a pyramid", "Nobody is EVER successful in that"..Consider their background.

Would you take advice about money from a poor person? Would you take advice about cars from a person who sells bicycles?

The same is true in MLM. Don't consider the advice from people who have no idea WHAT they are TALKING about.

Taking advice from poor people, would simply be a poor decision.

MLM Success Tip #7 "Fortune is in the Follow Up"

Follow Up.

So....you had the guts and glory to get out there and give a CD to a person, or present your opportunity to a person......

That's not where we make money in this business.

We make money on the follow-up.

How serious are you about your business?

Be responsible and follow-up with people.

"The fortune is in the follow-up"

MLM Success Tip #6 "Take Action"

Things happen when You Happen.

Don't be a person that says "Ready.....Aim.....Aim.....Aim................."

Eventually you need to pull that trigger.

Go for it!

Put a plan on paper...and put it into ACTION. Make baby steps, make GIANT steps, whatever....it doesn't matter, just make STEPS!!!

Your results will be a direct correlation of the action you take.


Massive Action equals Massive Results


Little Action equals Little Results.

Ultimately, we have complete control over that. We can't control outside sources....but we CAN control our own actions.

Activity, Activity, Activity

MLM Success Tip #5 "Have a Plan ON PAPER"

I was listening to an audio training the other day and the speaker told a story of building a new house. The contractor he was working with had everything carefully drawn out from his architect. Every detail was written down on paper.

It was the BLUE PRINT

In other words...they had written down the very plan they intended to work.

Don't shoot from the hip. Have your plans written down on paper. Plan to work....but most importantly work your PLAN.

Success does NOT happen by chance. It's not accidental. It's not by some strike of God given luck!

Success happens when you plan for success, and you follow that plan and stay focused.

Meet with one of your upline mentors today and get a plan drawn out on paper. Writing it down...assures you of success. You are 95% more likely to succeed when you write it down.

MLM Success Tip #4 "Be a Person"

We are in the people business. Therefore, learn about people. Build people skills.

Try reading this book.........

"How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie.

This book is an amazing book and will change the way you work with people.

Another book is "Bring out the best in people" by Alan Loy Mcginnis

Why do people do the things they do?

We need to understand this.....becoming a people person ALONE will make you more successful than all the online guru's that claim to be MLM genius'.

Put people first.......and the rest will fall in line.
People first..............and the rest will fall in line.

It's about people....people.....people...people!!!