Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Pyramid of Success part 2. (The Foundation)

Between the corner stones of success lies the foundation for success. This truth holds the key to success in any thing you do in life. What is that foundation?

People Skills.

You need to establish good people skills....especially when...(drum roll please)...YOU WORK WITH PEOPLE. My personal advice is to go purchase a book from Dale Carnegie entitled "How to win friends and influence people" I would rank this book as one of my top 10 leadership books of all time.

In the foundation of success we have "People Skills" and those skills are broken into 3 main areas: Friendship, Loyalty, and Cooperation.

Friendship in John Wooden's terms- "Seeking to create a team that shares camaraderie and respect (friendship) is the right thing to do. And where it exists you'll find a formidable organization."

Loyalty in John Wooden's terms- "To be effective, you must have real Loyalty from those you lead. First, be true to yourself and your core values. Then be true to those under your leadership. Remember: All that we send out to others, comes back to us. Send out Loyalty and it will be returned in abundance"

Cooperation in John Wooden's terms- "The sharing of idea, information, creativity, responsibilities, and tasks-is a priority of good leadership. An effective leader understands that it is a sign of strength to welcome honest differences and new ways of thinking from those on your team as well as from others."

Good people skills includes learning how to listen. (God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason)

Good people skills includes learning how speak and use language effectively. Communication plays such a vital role in good people skills.

Good people skills includes learning to give of our time and serve others without any false self-serving motives.

Good people skills includes learning how to have better manners, and better personal hygiene.

We all can learn these things.

Why is a dog man's best friend? Because a dog can't talk. Think about that for a second.

(Nala....our Golden Retriever sleeping with Kadyn and Tami...Life is good isn't it?)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Pyramid of Success--(The Corner Stones)

John Wooden (The most successful coach of our time) had a core belief system that he modeled after a pyramid. "The Pyramid of Success". He had a blown up picture of the model above put on the wall behind his desk so that every single parent and player that came to UCLA would see it. He believed the structure of the pyramid demonstrated his model best because it is still known today as the most solid structure. In fact, it was so well built that today it is the only 7th wonder of the ancient world still standing.

He began his "Pyramid of Success" with the cornerstones. These two corners of his pyramid were the two MOST IMPORTANT pieces of his success model. In construction, the cornerstone represents the most stable and important piece of the structure. If you have a weak cornerstone...the rest of the structure will crumble. That is why he chose these two success elements to help build the first part of the foundation.

1. Hard Work (Industriousness)

It might seem simple, but in fact what he means is hard work from the time you get up in the morning until you sleep at night. No time wasted. Every minute of your day accounted for where you are working towards your goal with 100% effort. This step alone can reap you ALOT of success.

2. Enthusiasm

Coach says it best...."Work without joy is drudgery. Drudgery does not produce champions, nor does it produce great organizations. You will not reach the top if you and those you lead are wearily trudging along, waiting for the workday to end so you can move on to something you'd rather do."

You gotta love what you do! Where does your energy come from in what you do?
And it makes alot of sense that he placed these two steps as the cornerstone for success. They both support each other and are a good start to a stong foundation for success.

What are you doing TODAY, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, to move your business forward?

The insurance company (AFLAC) uses a simple business model to illustrate this point (using the same strategy of John Wooden). It's called the power of ONE. Every day you should be contacting one person, Having one appointment, and writing one application. If you do ONE thing a day in your business....your business will move forward and you will hit success.

Dale Swain (who I had the honor to work personally with in this industry) is one of the top leaders in USANA. He says it best, "Do ONE your business EVERYDAY..and you'll find financial freedom"

Doing one thing a day in your business takes dedication and hard work. If you add a little enthusiasm and excitement to that mix, according to Coach John Wooden, you have the two cornerstone's in place for success.

Wooden On Leadership

It wasn't too long ago when I was reading the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. In one of his chapters I remember vividly the fact that every night (before he went to bed) he would surround himself with his "master mind group". Any leader or successful person that he could draw a picture from, learn from, and model himself after....some of these great people were notable "untouchables" or famous people who are no-longer living, so how could he even remotely get close to these great minds? By reading their work and their books.

I can't stress enough how important it is to read and learn self-improvement. In fact, I would love to hear from anyone reading my blog what they are currently reading?

So....I thought to myself....what great leader do I highly respect? What leader would I like to learn from in the art of "winning"? It didn't take me too long to come up with the name "Coach John Wooden". With his merits:

*10 National Championships (a record)
*Including 7 Championships in a row (a record)
*88 consecutive victories (a record)
*38 straight tournament playoff wins (a record)
*4 perfect seasons (a record)
*With only one losing season (His First) in 41 years of coaching

Obviously, I wanted to get inside this champions head and get a little insight. So, I bought his book, "Wooden on Leadership" and I already have made my money back from the investment in Chapter 1. Read below...what he writes in the first Chapter.

For most of my life I have believed that success if found in the running of the race. How you run the race--your planning, preparation, practice, and performance--counts for everything. Winning or losing is a by-product, and aftereffect, of that effort. For me, it's the quality of your effort that counts most and offers the greatest and most long-lasting satisfaction

Remember my father's advice: Set your standards high; namely do the absolute best of which you are capable. Focus on running the race rather than winning it. Do those things necessary to bring forth your personal best and don't lose sleep worrying about the competition. Let the competition lose sleep worrying about you. Teach your organization to do the same.

Amazing stuff isn't it? WOW!!! I will tell you in short, that I was cross-recruited last night for another MLM organization. While I started to share my opportunity with this man...he interrupted me (once he figured I was IN and FOR Network Marketing) and began to cross-recruit me for HIS business. I listened to him tell a story of how this specific area in Russia is Highly Radio-Active and it causes the fruits and vegetables to grow at an extra-ordinary rate and they use these fruits and vegetables in a product that is soooooo much better than MY product. Not to mention, that his mother was one of the top leaders in the company and that I would make 3 times more money.

I smiled and complimented him on being part of such an interesting company (especially one that adds cancer causing radio-active elements to their product) and asked a subtle question.

"So, Roger, being that your Mom is one of the top leaders of the company....and that you work with her. How come your not full-time?" (He had told me previously that he was working for $8 an hour and hated his job.) If what you have is so great, how come you waited to approach me about the product and business? How many people do you have in your organization? How much volume are you moving each month? Who are the leaders in your company and what is their background?"

You see, questions are powerful stuff! He didn't know what he was talking about and clearly wasn't right for my team. It took me less than a minute to determine that fact. Coach Wooden said it best...I don't lose sleep over the competition. I do my very best and when I encounter them...I already know how to overcome objections, ask the right questions to the right people, and know how to present the business and product to people. How? By sharpening my tools. When I'm not presenting the business...I'm reading about it. When I'm not talking about the business...I'm learning about it. I'm getting sharper and better and stronger.....and I encourage you to do the same. Pick up a good book today and get ready to get into the game! That way...when your number is called YOU are READY!!!!

The Soda Pop Story

There once was a man who loved Soda. He loved it so much that he decided to start a Soda Pop company and he named it 3-UP didn't take very long before the man quickly realized that the soda business was a disaster. The soda recipe wasn't right and nobody liked the taste of the lime flavored drink. It wasn't like the other dark colored cola's around and people were not in favor of the change.

So, without giving up, the man changed the recipe to be a little more sweet, and a little more crisp in taste. This time he named the soda 4-UP. Again, the consumers couldn't latch onto the idea of a clear colored soda pop.

The man didn't quit. He changed the labels, and he got more aggressive with his advertising techniques....and this time he named the soda 5-UP. Well, for whatever reason the advertising techniques didn't work and the soda got mixed reviews, but it still failed.

The beaten down business guy didn't give up. He decided to give everything he had to get the soda off the ground. He sold his car to raise more funds for advertising and he changed the recipe one last time to add more citrus lime flavor. He packaged the drink in a green bottle rather than a clear one....and this time...he called the soda 6-UP. And people started to like the fact, they really started to switch over to the lime flavored drink. But in time...after the trial phase was over the people went back to their regular flavored cola's and the soda pop business man went out of business. He was beaten down, tired.....and QUIT!.

Two years unknown man in his early 20's got a hold of the old business plan. He bought it for a $1 and made a few changes to the label on the bottle..and began to market the drink as a way to help settle an upset stomach....this time he named the soda 7-UP. And it was an instant success........

Moral of the story....never are only a distributor away from HUGE success.

A page from the Go-Giver

I've already read through the "Go-Giver" and I have to say it was a good read. I want to give you a page to read from the book.....because I think what it says is so valuable.

The words of Debra Davenport

Twelve years ago I turned forty-two. I got three presents for my birthday. One, a hundred-dollar gift certificate to JC Penny. Two, my kids bought an all day, expense paid day at the spa. Three, my husband gave me the most surprising gift of all. He gave me the wake-up call of a lifetime-when he walked out the door and never came back.

It took me one full year to unwrap, open, understand, and use that gift.

You see, at forty-two I was suddenly single with three kids to feed. I had never spent a day in the mainstream work-force. As a full time mother, wife and manager of a busy household, I had juggled dozens of skills and worked grueling hours. But, I quickly learned that none of what I had done the last twenty odd years were considered marketable. I was turned down everywhere I applied because I was overage and under-qualified. So, I decided in the next few months to pursue my real estate license. The following eight months were busy learning and trying from the advice given from other Realtors in the firm.

They taught me every kind of sales methodology and closing technique ever invented. I learned the direct close, time-driven close, trial offer close, compliment close, embarrassment close, best-time to buy close, and the never-the best time to buy close. I learned every close from A to Z. What? You don't believe me?

I learned the Assumptive close, Bonus close, Concession close, Disraction close, Emotion close, Future close, Golden Bridge close, Humor close, IQ close, Jersey City close, the Kill close, Leverage close, Money's not everything close, Now or Never close, Ownership close, Puppy Dog close, Quality close, Reversal close, Standing Room only close, Takeaway close, Underpriced close, Vanity close, Window of opportunity close, Xaviera Hollander close, Ya-Ya sisterhood close, and the Zsa Zsa Gabor close!! Honey, I learned to CLOSE!!!!!

And let me tell you what happened. At the end of a year, I had not sold ONE, single, property. And I hated it. Every single, desperate, failing minute of it.

That Thursday, I turned forty-three. And a friend of mine bought me a ticket to a sales symposium. Tell you the truth...I didn't want to go. But she was my friend...what could I do? So I went. And the speaker started to speak and said "Whatever it is..YOU can excel by adding value. If you need money...add value. And if you need ALOT of money, add ALOT of value."

People in the audience laughed....but I raised my hand. I stood up and said, "What if you need ALOT of money FAST!!!" He nodded, smiled and said, 'Then find a way to add a lot of value FAST!'

Ladies and Gentleman, I thought long and hard about what that speaker said. And all weekend I thought about it. Sunday evening, it came to me. What could I possibly add? NOTHING. There was not ONE single solitary shred or ounce of value I could think of that insignificant little Debra Davenport could add. After a year of trying, I'd proven I had no professional value whatsoever. What I had to offer these clients was NOTHING. So, that Sunday evening, I made up my mind. It was time to quit. You understand what was going on inside my head? When my husband walked out that door, my self-esteem got up and walked out with him. One year later...I still hadn't unwrapped that birthday gift that he gave me!

So, I went the next morning ready to clean out my desk. I had one last appointment that I couldn't weasel out of, so purely out of obligation, I met the prospect and drove her to see the house. "It was already over" I told myself "So what the heck". I just let myself have a good time with her. I let go of all the techniques. I didn't even bring spec sheets on the house! On the way over, we chattered, talked about everything, silly stuff. I couldn't tell you for sure if I even told her the asking price! It was the MOST UNPROFESSIONAL, SLOPPY, IRRESPONSIBLE, DISGRACEFUL sales presentation in the history of real estate.

I sold the house.

I learned something that day. When I said that my life as a mom, wife and household manager left me with nothing the marketplace wanted, I was wrong. There WAS something else I learned over those years, and that was how to be a friend. How to care. How to make people feel good about themselves. And that, my friends, is something the marketplace wants very much...always has, always will.

The speaker at the sales symposium had said, Add value. I had nothing to add but myself. And apparently that was exactly what had been missing. I've sold a few more homes since then...(She had the real-estate record for most homes sold)

Today I have the honor of selling you something more valuable than a house. Today I'm here to sell you on YOU.

People, remember this: no matter what your training, no matter what your skills, no matter what area you're in, YOU are the most important commodity. The most valuable gift you have to offer is YOU. Reaching any goal you set takes ten percent specific knowledge or technical skills--ten percent MAX. The other ninety-plus percent is PEOPLE SKILLS.

And what is the foundation of good people skills? Liking people? Caring about people? Being a good listener? But it doesn't replace the core value. The core of it is WHO YOU ARE. It starts with YOU.

As long as you are trying to be someone else, or putting on some act or behavior someone else taught you, yo have no possibility of truly reaching people. The most valuable thing you have to give people is YOURSELF. No matter what you THINK you are selling, what you're really offering is YOU.

You want great people skills? Then be a person. It's called AUTHENTICITY and its worth ten thousand times more than all the closing techniques that ever have or ever will be invented.

In closing, I know it gets overwhelming in this business because "we're not Bob Schmidt, or Cory Citron, or Tommy Johnson, or...FILL IN THE BLANK" But...we were never intended to be JUST like those other guys! Be who you are and bring that to the table...what you have to offer in this business is YOU!!!

The Go-Giver

In response to Mike's e-mail...I wanted to share a short list of books I have been reading over the last few months to give you an idea of how much development I do outside of regular business.

1. Think and Grow Rich- Napolean Hill
2. Keys to the Vault Volumes 1 & 2 - Bob Schmidt
3. Failing Forward- John C. Maxwell
4. Awaking the Giant Within- Anthony Robbins
5. The Secret-many authors
6. Wealth Without a Job- Phil Laut
7. Why we want you to be Rich- Trump and Kiyosaki
8. Rich Dad Poor Dad- Kiyosaki
9. Money, and the law of attraction-Esther and Jerry Hicks
10. See you at the top- Zig Ziglar
11. The Holy Bible-NIV- God

and my latest book I'm reading is........

12. The Go-Giver- Bob Burg and John David Mann

This is an outstanding book...and I encourage each of you to go out and order it today! It's a little story about a powerful business idea.

Think about what you are currently reading and listening too? Does it reflect where you want to go in both your personal life and business life?

E-mail from Mike

I was reading an interesting e-mail sent to me by my friend and business guru, Mike Dillard. Mike is a self-made millionaire who started out as a waiter and 9 month's later had over $500,000 in the bank from working a home-based business from his bed room. That's right....his bed room.

Today, Dillard is a multi-millionaire who has tracked website biz success's like magnetic sponsoring, advertising on a budget, black-belt marketing, and so on. Over 109,000 websites and video's have been posted about Mike, and even our own Carlos Aponte Jr. and Cory Citron have been posted as being students of Mike. In other words, he knows his stuff....

Read this short e-mail he wrote to me.


What's the real reason people quit in business? Why do so many people fail, while a select few succeed?

Drum roll please.........

Those who succeed have a core desire to do so.

The only time anything ever gets done in your life,when you follow through to completion with a sense of urgency, is when you desire to accomplish that task at Core Level 100 out of 100! You must accomplish it. It's part of you. It consumes you! It dominates your thoughts.

That's it Dan. That's the secret. You can't get frustrated when people don't work the business like you do. Some will and some won't, but the key to winning in this business is desire. The sad truth is that most people in this business didn't buy a business. They bought hope. And hope is never backed by true desire. A career in network marketing has been a core desire of mine for 7 years.

I've moved across the country because of it. I've taken certain jobs because of it. I've dated or not dated because of it. I spent money on training instead of furniture because of it.

The desire to never work for anyone else again has been a dominating force in my life, and it's the reason I didn't quit after the first 6 years of hell. It's the reason I continued to pour every spare cent I ever made into my business. It's the reason I pawned a $3,000 bike I won two state championships on to buy advertising - and came up empty.

Yet I kept going forward without doubt because I have this core desire at a level of 100 to succeed in networking.

And this means my success was 100% guaranteed. It was no longer a matter of IF, but when...

What do you do each day to build your business? How many books on the industry do you own? How many conference calls are you on each week? How many people do you talk to about your business/product each day?

What would you be willing to give and sacrifice to succeed?

I hope the answer to that questions is "whatever it takes", because I can promise you the end result is worth the sacrifice.

So how can you tell if your prospect is going to succeed or fail from the very first phone call?


Ask them this question: "So which books are you currently reading on self-development and marketing?"

Anyone who is TRULY serious about being a successful entrepreneur will be able to name at least one book they are reading right now.

Those who can't, are just kidding themselves.

I hope that answered your questions.


Mike Dillard

So, what are you doing currently to better yourself? What are you reading? What are you learning? Like Mike said....this is the KEY to success. It's about getting stronger and better! I know that I'm trying to get better...and I'm with you every step of the way team!

Back Injury

I'm sure that many of you don't know that I injured my back about two weeks ago. It was an injury that I didn't fully discover until the next morning AFTER it occurred. However, as I tried to get out of bed the next morning....I quickly realized that I couldn't move. In fact, every time I tried to move it felt as if a small 8 inch knife was being stabbed near my lower spine.

To make a long story short. I eventually went to the Chiropractor and discovered I had a herniated disc in my back.

I apologize for not blogging during my recovery stage, but it dawned on me today during my rehabilitation that

#1 I'm not handicapped.

Thank God for that! It puts things in perspective when you KNOW that you're getting better and day in and day out there are others who live like this EVERY DAY!

#2 My income checks from my home-based business never stopped!

If you ever wanted to get a compelling reason to get started in network marketing...there it is!! What if you get injured? What if you can't work? Every day people are living pay check to pay check, instead of working part time for wages, and full time on their fortune!

Build something that will last for you and your family. Work in the present to build for the future!

Yes, my back injury situation is temporary, but the business that was put into place before it happend is built with a life-time gurantee! That's the power of residual income.

You all have a very powerful business model sitting on your lap! Don't waste it!

P.S. It was comforting to hear my Chiropractor suggest our juice for one of the anti-inflammatory's to take during the recovery!