Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MLM Success Tip #26 "Always point to someone else"

To try and do this business by yourself would be a huge mistake.

Friends and Family trust you, because you are a "friend and family". Nothing more.

It doesn't mean that they completely believe what you are saying. However, if a 3rd party came along and verified that everything you said was "truth" they would gladly accept what you said as possible gospel.

It never ceases to amaze me how someone that my friends and family DON'T KNOW, whom they JUST MET, whom they JUST LISTENED TO ON THE PHONE will immediately trust that person. Why is that?

Think of it like this......would you do business with your neighbor? Maybe? Maybe Not? However, if you witnessed your neighbor taking the garbage out in his underwear every day, with a cigarette hanging out his mouth and a can of beer in his left hand....would you do business with him? Yes? No? What Changed?

Your family and friends LOVE you.....but they might not completely TRUST you. They know you at your BEST, but they have also seen you at your WORST. Therefore in ANY business you add a 3rd party.

You can do this through a 3-way phone call, you can do this by bringing in a public speaker or expert to speak on a subject, you can use CD's, conference calls, websites, and so on.....

In this business it's important to get OUT of the drivers seat and hand the keys to your sponsor and let them HELP you get to your first 2-3 income levels.

Don't feel bad about it either. Because you will be doing the same exact thing with your business associates and partners and team members.

Always point to someone else......and likewise.....they will always be pointing back at you.

Its a business of giving.

Friday, May 8, 2009

MLM Success Tip #25 "Magic List 100"

This is a classic example of MLM. I'm sure many of you have done this before, heard this before, seen this before, and so it seems like old news.


Did you do it right?

You make a list of 100-200 names of friends, family, work-mates, etc.....

Before you go and hide in a shell. I want you to understand that this IS networking. The average person knows 2,600 people by first name. You don't even realize it. Put yourself to work and sit down with a notebook and think of 100-200 names of people.

This can be fun. Form the list and don't ask yourself if they would do your opportunity or not. That's NOT the goal. The goal is to get a list of people. Can you do it? Get out the phone book, run through Christmas letter lists, Church member bulletins, business groups (like Jaycee's, Kiwanis, Lions club), social networking lists (like facebook, my space, twitter), cell phone number lists, the opportunities go on and on and on!

Once you get this list compiled you go through the list and you circle the TOP 10 people that you would consider your "Dream Team". These are the people that you MIGHT be scared out of your wits to ask into the business....HOWEVER.....you need to ask yourself this question while considering if they make your top 10 list..."If this person chose to do the business would they be good at it?"

More often than not we say "No" before even asking a person.

Make your list of 100-200 and come up with your top 10 business associates and your top 10 product users. (People who might not be a good fit for the business but NEED your product.)

Make the list and contact your upline to discuss a plan of action.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

MLM Success Tip #24 "Lead beyond your level"

Every business opportunity has different titles for different levels...(whether its 100K, Gold Director, Double Diamond, Executive Director, Silver Director, 200K plus plus, Ultra Mega Emerald Select Quadruple Bogey Ruby President......whatever)


Whatever your GOAL is to BECOME you need to LEAD at that LEVEL.

If your goal is to become a six digit earner in the company in 1 year, than its important not to lead like a $5 a month earner.

Even if you are at the lowest income level....you should at a minimum lead like you EXPECT to be making more.

This fits right along with treating your business like a business.

Treat your business like a business and it will pay you like a business.
Treat your business like a hobby and it will cost you alot of money.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MLM Success Tip #23 "You gotta take shots!"

I'm dedicating this post to the best player EVER to play the game of Basketball. Especially since this is tip #23....it would only be right to give a tip honoring #23 Michael Jordan.

Look....its really simple.

You miss 100% of the shots you never take.

Yes, its true. You might take 100 shots and miss 99. But the point is...if you never take a CHANCE...you are dead in the water before you even begin.

Michael Jordan took shots. He was a natural born risk taker. He drove it to the hoop and he drove it there often. He didn't make every shot. Sometimes he missed by a mile. But he took his chances and he grew up knowing that it was a game of chance. He only had control over what Michael Jordan did.....so he made the most of it.

Don't shy away from people because your "mind" tells you something different. We often put up our own set of obstacles based on a set of personal beliefs and experiences.

Don't do that.

Break through that barrier and contact the person you need to contact today to join your business or take your product.

What's the worst that could happen? Maybe they say no? Maybe you miss the shot? But at least you can say "I took a shot".

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

MLM Success #22 "Don't be Lazy"

I had a discussion with a person on the phone the other day about Network Marketing.

It went like this......

"The reason why 97% of people fail in network marketing and never make any money is because only 3% of people have the "know how" to be successful in that business model. Either you have it or you don't. You have to be able to sell to people...and not very many people have the gift to sell, especially me. Most people will fail in this business."

and my response was.....

"You're right"

There was a long pause at the end of the line because I'm sure that I shocked the daylights out of him. I wasn't calling this prospect to sell him anything. I wasn't calling him to convince him of anything different than what he was already thinking. I was calling him to sort through a batch of leads that I purchased. He completely disqualified himself. NOT WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR.

"Have a great day sir" CLICK

But, he was right. Most people WILL FAIL in MLM. But not for any reason that he listed.

Do you want to know the ONLY reason people fail at ANYTHING?

People fail because they choose to fail. That's why. They choose to fill their schedules with unproductive activities that take them away from their goals. They get distracted. They lose focus and when they look back each year on their live...they wonder "what happened?"

They treat their business like a hobby.

Most people fail in MLM because it was never a business in their heart and in their mind. They didn't treat it like a business and treated it like a joke and guess what? It became one.

Most people fail PERIOD because they take the path of least resistance EVERY SINGLE TIME. And its very predictable. Its called 'human behavior". We are lazy. PERIOD.

Very few people out there have the hunger, the drive to form the habits needed to break the bad habits they already have.

Steven Covey states that to break a habit you must form another habit to replace it. We are naturally habitual people. So...form new habits instead of making excuses.

Did Michael Jordan wake up one day and get blessed with the ability to play basketball? Did it JUST HAPPEN? No. In fact, he never made his high school basketball team when he was a sophmore. He had to work at it.

Did Tiger Woods wake up and say..."Golly Gee, I'm so good at golf that I don't need a coach" No. He went out and hired a swing coach. He had to work at it.

Did Thomas Edison sit back and just invent things on the first try? No. He did trial after trial after trial until after the 999th time of failing he finally invented the light bulb. He had to work at it.

The only reason people fail is because they DON'T WORK AT GETTING BETTER.

1. They have poor people skills and don't work on improving them
2. They have a negative attitude and never fill their life with any motivational material
3 They have a lack of focus and never work on it
4. A weak commitment and never commit to ANYTHING
5. Unwillingness to change
6. A short cut mind-set
7. Rely on Talent and have a poor work ethic
8. and they have Zero Goals

And all of the above can be summed up into one word


If you want to be successful in anything in life..lets cut the excuses. Lets get off our "Buts" and do something. And believe me they are all "Buts"...But I can't, But I won't, But I don't have time, But my job,

Nobody is going to spoon feed you anything in life. And if the only thing in life you are looking for is a free hand out....than the man on the phone was right. Most people ARE destined to fail.

Choose to take the path of MOST resistance. Nothing that was ever WORTH it in life came easy.

I know that MLM is right. Because its not easy. That's how I know. If it was easy...everyone would be doing it.

Separate yourself from the lazy....and go after it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

MLM Success Tip #21 "Let the tools do the work"

We often try to do too much in our business. We try and be the expert in areas where we have no expertise.

We don't need to have a compelling story. We can borrow someone else's.

We don't need to know everything about the compensation plan. We can borrow someone else's explanation or model.

We don't need to make a huge income. We can borrow someone else's income.

We don't need to know all the science behind the product. We can borrow the testimony's of doctors and medical professionals.

We don't have to be an expert presenter. We can borrow someone else's presentation.

We need to let the tools do the work.

Cd's, DVD's, brochures, websites books....etc.

Get the tools into people's hands and follow up.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

MLM Success Tip #20 "New School Rocks too!!!"

"You mean to tell me that I need to get a computer?"

Not necessarily. It sure would make your life easier though.

Old school is powerful, its potent and effective. New School is a little more advanced, and sometimes confusing.

The fast pace in which new marketing moves is mind boggling.

Here are just a few ways that technology and new school marketing has changed MLM.

1. Google
2. Blogging
3. Facebook, Myspace, BetterNetworker, Networking Lounge, Youtube, Squidoo (Social Networks)
4. Twitter (It deserved a space of its own)
5. Active websites
6. webinars
7. Conference Calling (Spider Phone, freeconference.com,)
8. Cell Phones, Black Berries, Jitterbugs.
9. E-mails, Prospecting Centers, Follow Up Centers, Calling Trees,
10. Virtual Assistant
11. Lead Vendors
12. Email Blasts

The list goes on and on and its ALWAYS CHANGING!

The key is that both the old and the new work. Is one better than the other? Not necessarily.


You need to be willing to learn and to use all tools that are available at your fingertips in order to succeed.

If you are a successful "old school" marketer...what's wrong with learning how to use a Black Berry? What's wrong with learning how to use Facebook, or Twitter?

Its just a method. And if I were in your shoes...I would use all methods for my success.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

MLM Success Tip #19 "Old School ROCKS!"

I'm sick and tired of getting repeat messages from so called Internet marketing gurus...claiming that the old ways of network marketing are 'dead and gone'. That the days of working your warm market, and making 100-200 lists of friends and family's and picking up the phone and pounding it hard ...are outdated methods that don't work anymore.


Do yourself a favor the next time you get an e-mail from one of these self-proclaimed gurus, scroll down and discover what they are selling.

Yeah...you heard me right.

Scroll down the e-mail or web page and see if they are selling an e-book, coaching, services, an opportunity...whatever?

Everyone claims something different, and I am here to tell you right now that the old school ways have worked for centuries before you were born, and they will work centuries after you are dead and gone.

It's really quite simple. You call 10 people and you get 1 yes......Now, to some people that sounds dreadful. They don't like the thought of getting 9 no's before getting a yes. They don't like the thought of rejection. They don't like the thought of talking with people and solving their problems and listening to their hopes and dreams. Instead, they would rather write behind a computer screen and blog and e-mail people with the hopes that somehow, someway that people will find their website and the website will sell them into the business.

What an absolute scam.

You WILL have to talk with people....and guess what??? It totally rocks. Its fun. Its awesome....and when you get rejected 1,000 times....it gets a lot easier the minute you find that ONE person who has been waiting for your call. That one person...whose life is hanging on a balance. You have the opportunity to present a GIFT to them to change their life around. You get to be a part of that story.

Does that excite you?

If it does...you are in the right business. Forge ahead!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MLM Success Tip #18 "Learn"

It always amazes me when I see a doctor (who went through 8-10 years of school) going back to school and getting more training.

You mean a doctor can still learn?

Or what about teachers going back to get continuing education?

Insurance agents going back for re-licensure and testing?

The list goes on and on and on.

Tip #18 is simple "Learn" and never stop learning. To stop learning is to be dead.

You should be a student of the game. You should read books on your business, about your business, about marketing, about motivation, and inspiration, about business......

You can always separate the serious from the non-serious by simply asking 2 questions.

"What book are you reading right now?"

"Tell me your top 10 books in your library?"

What a person is putting in their brain...reveals alot.

By the way here is my top 10 on my shelf.

1. Think and Grow Rich
2. The Richest Man in Babylon
3. How to win friends and influence people
4. Awakin the Giant Within
5. Failing Forward
6. The Power of Focus
7. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
8. Why we want you to be Rich
9. See you at the top
10. Wooden on Leadership

If you want to know what books changed my thought process on residual income and MLM?

1. Multiple Streams of Income
2. Why we want you to be Rich
3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad


1. Building your network marketing business-Jim Rohn ***IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD THIS AND IF YOU ARE ON MY TEAM...LET ME KNOW***
2. The Keys to the Vault 1 and 2-Bob Schmidt

Don't just sit back and let others dictate to you about YOUR business. Its your responsibility to know more about things....so you can educate people, and most importantly YOURSELF. So you can decipher what is truth and what is lie. What is fact and what is fiction.

Monday, April 20, 2009

MLM Success Tip #17 Know what you have control over

There is only 3 reasons why people won't buy into your business.

1. They don't believe in your company.

2. They don't believe in themselves.

3. They don't believe in YOU.

You only have control over one of these reasons.


You only have control over YOU.

Make a decision TODAY that you are going to show up differently for this business (starting now)! Have CERTAINTY in your business opportunity.


You can not control life circumstances outside the business. But you can control what you do. Your activity and most importantly YOUR THOUGHTS.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

MLM Success Tip #16 "Become a Fast Moving Train"

Nobody jumps from a fast moving train. They would be crazy if they did.

However, if that train is moving slow it becomes easier to jump.

The same is true in your MLM business. Product users and business associates will never move from your organization if your team is building momentum and moving fast. The attrition rate for your organization would be minimal and the success rate for distributors would go through the roof.

However....everything reflects on YOU as the leader. If your team is moving slow....the chances are good that YOU as a leader are moving slow.

Fast Leader = Fast Team Moving Leader = Moving Team

So.....one of the keys of success in MLM is to become a fast moving train. Build momentum and keep that momentum going and going and going!

How do you do that? Take your time frame and squeeze it into a shorter duration. Take the activity that average or ordinary people might do in a longer time frame and put that same activity into a 3 month-6 month window.

If you do that......your ordinary, little, slow moving steam train will become a BULLET TRAIN!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

MLM Success Tip #15 Don't go into management mode

It gets easy in this business to stop recruiting and doing the ONLY thing you can control. And that's our own daily activity. Many horses died in Egypt because they couldn't make them drink.

Its becomes increasingly difficult when we want more success for people than what they want for themselves.

Its the 90/10 or 80/20 rule, where 80-90% of the income in a business is earned by 10-20% of the people. Its a hard fact.

If a person stops recruiting they lose out on the potential of finding a person that is from the 10-20% group.

But you still need to train people right?? Absolutely!! However, I would spend 90% of my time with the ten percenters and 10% of my time with the ninety percenters. Make sense?

Grease the squeaky wheel. The wheel that is moving. And place in a corner the wheel that won't move...for whatever reason?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

MLM Success Tip #14 "Understand Numbers"

This is a numbers game.

Anyone that tells you different either is selling you something else (like their CD, their e-book, their training material, website, book, seminar).

We seek two things in life...#1 Pleasure #2 How to escape pain

If something is easy, free, doesn't require much time, doesn't require talking with people and appears like we can get rich quick...we jump.


Have you ever read this phrase while looking for ways to do your business better? "THE SECRET FOR MLM SUCCESS!!!"

Well, I'm going to share with you the secret.

Are you ready?

I hope so, because this is going to blow your mind.

Go grab a pen and get ready to write this down because it will change your life.

The secret to MLM success....(and remember this has only been known by the upper ONE PERCENT of all successful network marketing millionaires) is.....................

Drum Roll.............................

There is no secret. Ta dah!

There isn't a company, product, gadget, gizmo, compensation plan, leadership team, in the world that is going to make YOU successful. That all comes from you.


The successful MLM leaders that get and understand the theory behind "large numbers" wins.

Here's why. Because this ISN'T SALES. You are not trying to convince ANYONE about the business. Either they are interested or they're not. The numbers show that 3 out of 100 will do your business.

So.....why do 95% of people fail in network marketing? Because they don't work the numbers and they don't let the numbers work for them.

Take massive action with massive numbers and compress those numbers within a short time frame.

See, alot of leaders teach the 3 X 3 method. Where three get three and they get three and they get three to infinity.

What happens?

Somewhere along the line bobby joe recruits mary jane and she recruits uncle Tom who really doesn't care either way and we suffer......."attrition".

You won't keep 100% of the people you sponsor in your group or downline. They will fall out for one reason or another. So....if you take the slow method and it takes 1 year to attract 14 people into the business, and 2 months later they are all out of the business....you will always be playing catch up!! HOWEVER, if you take those same 14 people and compress them into a ONE WEEK time frame. What happens?

You gain momentum. You gain excitement. The train has left the station and is picking up speed, and believe me...people don't want to jump from a fast moving train.

Monday, March 9, 2009

MLM Success Tip #13 "Don't carry two on your back"

Jim Rohn used to say "You can carry one on your back, but you can never carry two!"

How true of a statement.

It's where the term "Man, get off my BACK!!!!" came from. All the weight would come crashing down...slowing you down....and after a while...."MAN, GET OFF MY BACK!!!!!"

You're pulling all the weight. You're doing all the work. You're busting yourself to motivate your downline. You're training. You're doing the calls. You, you, you , you , you............

See the problem? You.

You're not duplicating yourself. This is a business of duplication. It's not a "sales" business. MLM gets the misconception of being a "sales" business. But that couldn't be further from the truth.

You've heard the expression before? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

How true it is.

Here is an analogy to leave you with:

It's like you are in a lifeboat, and everyone else is drowning in the water. Some are fighting to survive while others have given up. You don't have that much time!! You can't save everyone. (And that's the hard part. Because you want to save everyone. But you can't.) So...you must decide who you are going to help. Don't waste your time trying to pull someone out of the water that doesn't want to be saved. You will expend all your time and energy trying to pull that person from the water and they won't fight for their own survival. They won't kick or pull or do ANYTHING to aid in their own LIFE!! Meanwhile, as you are struggling to save that ONE life...there are THOUSANDS who are struggling all around. TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK.

You have to make a decision with whom you are going to spend your time. You can want it for them....but it means absolute zero until they want it for themselves.

"You can carry one on your back, but you can never carry two"

Friday, March 6, 2009

MLM Success Tip #12 "Be Professional"

You are a business owner now. Be Professional.

1. Return all e-mail and voice mail messages in a timely fashion.

2. Follow through with the appointments you set.

3. Be at your appointments 10 minutes early and If you can't make an appointment on time or at all...call ahead of time and reschedule.

4. Answer your phone and if you are not available make sure your voice mail system sounds professional. Most important: Make sure your voice mail WORKS!

5. Check your e-mail and voice mail daily (sometimes twice!!)

6. Always reply to your e-mail (even if just a short message like "I got it. Thanks") to let the sender know their e-mail didn't get lost in cyber-space.

7. Do what you "Say" you're going to do. FOLLOW THROUGH

8. Respect others time like you would like them to respect YOUR TIME.

Doing the list above is respectful, courteous, and responsible.

Again, you are a business owner now. Be professional.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

MLM Success Tip #11 "Edify your upline and downline"

At all times it is important to encourage and support our upline leaders and downline leaders.

This is a unique business opportunity that puts you in business for yourself but not BY yourself. We are part of a larger team. And here is the cool part about MLM. It supports teamwork better than any other organizational structure out there. Upline success doesn't occur until there is some downline success.

We need to always be affirming each other, and lifting each other up. Especially in the presence of others. Building up someone while in front of a prospect or other business associate is HUGE for the overall success of your business.

Before conducting your next 3way phone conversation with your upline leader...try this....

Edify your leader in front of your prospect and let them hear you praise them. In return, the leader affirms the downline in the same manner.

It's called laying out the red carpet.

Try it today.

MLM Success Tip #10 "Stay Focused"

We already brought up the importance of having a calendar. But this is different. Staying Focused is essential to your success in MLM. It's easy to get distracted when you are working at home. You have all the temptations in the world from television, the computer, the phone, and friends and loved ones.

We're not on vacation here. We are working a business.

Where you turn your attention is what gets done and accomplished.

In NASCAR when a race driver feels his car starting to skid towards the wall he turns his head and changes his focal point to the inside of the track. The natural instinct would be to look at where you are going (the wall) but the driver knows that "you always end up where you are WANTING to go.....AND you always want to go where you are LOOKING".

Almost like a miracle the driver works himself out of the skid and misses the wall...simply by looking away.

In MLM we need to do the same thing. We need to keep our eyes focused on where we want to go. If that is two levels up....we need to change our focus on getting two levels up. If its recruiting 5 new individuals...we need to change our focus on getting 5 new individuals. And it starts with focus.

What are you focusing on?

MLM Success Tip #9 "Develop a Strong Why"

Why do you have an MLM business? Why Multi-Level Marketing or Networkmarketing or whatever you call it? Why?

It's vital for your success to have a strong and compelling "WHY" and have it written down. Let's not be naive enough to think that we'll never hit tough times in our business. We will...its unavoidable. However, you can curb the effects by having a strong why statement written out and placed in front of you at all times.

When you hit difficult times you can re-read your why statement as a reminder of WHY you do this business. That way we don't lose focus of the end results that we are striving for...

"Nothing good in life ever came free and easy. It took work. It took planning. It took blood, sweat and tears.....that way we can enjoy the fruits of our labor AFTERWARDS.

Write out your "Why Statement today"

Monday, March 2, 2009

MLM Success Tip #8 "Don't Take Advice from Poor People"

In the book "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George Clason, he tells a story of a young man that saves up enough money in a year to make an investment.

A brick layer comes along and tells him that he can invest his hard earned savings on some jewels from a distant land (which are worth 3 times the amount he would pay.) He could turn around and sell the jewels and triple his money.

(It's like modern day E-Bay right?)

The brick layer travels to the distant land and comes back with FAKE jewels. He ends up being scammed for jewels made of glass and the young man loses his money.

The lesson being learned that a brick layer understands the business of Laying brick, not the business of Buying and Selling Jewels.

Therefore, the same is true in your business. When a person comes to you and says "There is no money in that.....", "That's a scam", "That's a pyramid", "Nobody is EVER successful in that"..Consider their background.

Would you take advice about money from a poor person? Would you take advice about cars from a person who sells bicycles?

The same is true in MLM. Don't consider the advice from people who have no idea WHAT they are TALKING about.

Taking advice from poor people, would simply be a poor decision.

MLM Success Tip #7 "Fortune is in the Follow Up"

Follow Up.

So....you had the guts and glory to get out there and give a CD to a person, or present your opportunity to a person......

That's not where we make money in this business.

We make money on the follow-up.

How serious are you about your business?

Be responsible and follow-up with people.

"The fortune is in the follow-up"

MLM Success Tip #6 "Take Action"

Things happen when You Happen.

Don't be a person that says "Ready.....Aim.....Aim.....Aim................."

Eventually you need to pull that trigger.

Go for it!

Put a plan on paper...and put it into ACTION. Make baby steps, make GIANT steps, whatever....it doesn't matter, just make STEPS!!!

Your results will be a direct correlation of the action you take.


Massive Action equals Massive Results


Little Action equals Little Results.

Ultimately, we have complete control over that. We can't control outside sources....but we CAN control our own actions.

Activity, Activity, Activity

MLM Success Tip #5 "Have a Plan ON PAPER"

I was listening to an audio training the other day and the speaker told a story of building a new house. The contractor he was working with had everything carefully drawn out from his architect. Every detail was written down on paper.

It was the BLUE PRINT

In other words...they had written down the very plan they intended to work.

Don't shoot from the hip. Have your plans written down on paper. Plan to work....but most importantly work your PLAN.

Success does NOT happen by chance. It's not accidental. It's not by some strike of God given luck!

Success happens when you plan for success, and you follow that plan and stay focused.

Meet with one of your upline mentors today and get a plan drawn out on paper. Writing it down...assures you of success. You are 95% more likely to succeed when you write it down.

MLM Success Tip #4 "Be a Person"

We are in the people business. Therefore, learn about people. Build people skills.

Try reading this book.........

"How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie.

This book is an amazing book and will change the way you work with people.

Another book is "Bring out the best in people" by Alan Loy Mcginnis

Why do people do the things they do?

We need to understand this.....becoming a people person ALONE will make you more successful than all the online guru's that claim to be MLM genius'.

Put people first.......and the rest will fall in line.
People first..............and the rest will fall in line.

It's about people....people.....people...people!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

MLM Success Tip #3 Be Industrious

What's the rule of 90/10?

It means that 10% of home business owners are making 90% of the actual income earned in home-based business.


Because when I go trolling different websites and google "home-based business opportunity" It seems that everyone (including their mom and dog) are becoming massively wealthy from home based business. It appears that EVERYONE is the expert.

And.....even though some of this may be true, the reality is that the rule of 90/10 says otherwise.

So, what's my point?

My point is that don't go under the illusion that working a home-based business is easy. Don't go under the assumption that free money will instantly start pouring out of your computer SIMPLY because you signed up under someone else that is WORKING the business.

Don't buy into the "get rich quick" schemes that are available.

If you make the decision to treat this as a business, it will pay you like a business. Period.

If you make the decision to treat this as a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby. Period.

It's that simple.

Be Industrious. Work this business hard. Treat it like a real business. Fill up your calendar with quality appointments.....and if you do it consistently....you will win every single time.

MLM Success Tip #2 Be Coachable

Nobody likes a "know it all".

So, here is today's success tip. "Don't be one"

You don't have to be a person that knows WHAT to say, WHEN to say it, and HOW to say it. You don't have to know ANYTHING.

BUT......and this is a very big BUT......

You do need to be coachable.

You can take the next 2-3 years of your life and LEARN and SHAPE yourself into the next success story in MLM.

Why do most people fail in MLM? Because they think they know it all, and once a know it all fails...they quit. Quitting leads to 100% failure every single time. BIG SHOCKER!

Do yourself and your team a favor and humble yourself today by calling your upline. Call a leader in your organization. Make a decision today to be 100% coachable and learn from the best. Success rarely happens by accident. It's planned. It's intentional. There is a rhyme to the reason. So...don't reinvent the wheel. Copy what is working. Become coachable and DO what SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO.

Do that.....and we'll see each other on the beaches of the world.

Monday, February 23, 2009

MLM Success Tip #1 Look at your calendar

Do you want to be successful in Multi-level marketing? Take out your calendar and ask yourself how your week looks? Do you have your days and weeks full of appointments?

In ANY business venture its easy to fill out your calendar and make yourself SEEM busy with meaningless tasks that don't pay.

Understand that we are only paid on 4 things in this industry.

#1 Having a 1-on-1 appointment with a prospect.
#2 Having a 3-way call with another business builders prospect.
#3 Having a training session or strategy session with a business builder.
#4 Having a seminar, conference call, regional or international convention where you invite someone to attend with you.

We are in the people business so it is important to ALWAYS be in front of people.

Where would a doctor or dentist be if they didn't continually update their calendars or reconfirm appointments?

We are in the same boat as a business. We need to continually have appointments and work from meeting to meeting.

We should always ask ourselves this question: What's next? What's the next step? What's the next move?

A pro-golfer will admit they are always playing three to four strokes ahead. Why? To set their next shot up.

It's no different in the MLM arena.

My general agent when I worked in the insurance industry used to always say that to make a profit we should always have 10-15 appointments a week.

3 appointments a day and working from appointment to appointment, and always setting the next appointment sets you up for success in this industry. Between prospecting, having first time meetings, training meetings, and follow-ups, we should never be without an appointment.

Like a golfer, set your next shot up TODAY, and plan 1-2 weeks ahead.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Think like a Fish

There are two basic things that people fear.

#1 Death

#2 Being Sold

So, if you are trying to sell something to someone....STOP. It doesn't work. People naturally have a 6th sense about them and they can usually smell it a mile away.

We need to quit trying to be a hunter and more like a fisherman.


That's right. We need to quit hunting and start fishing.

What does an animal do when it senses being hunted?

It runs.

The same is true in any business venture. Stop hunting and instead let the prospect or consumer come to you.

Your job is not to SELL. It's not to convince. Its simply to throw out some information (like bait) and let the prospect decide whether or not they are interested. And....if they bite? Reel em' in!

Get this straight and your business will soar.

(quit treating people like a meal ticket, and start caring for their needs. Discover their problem and solve it)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Something happened on the way to the Emerald City.

You guessed it!! I'm talking Wizard of Oz language. And....you guessed it again. That is the picture of the yellow brick road.....and guess what? You're on it.

See...we are ALL on the yellow brick road of life. I don't care how you slice and dice it and I certainly don't care what vehicle you choose to ride on that beautiful yellow brick road. The point of the matter is that if you want to get to the emerald city...YOU HAVE TO STAY ON THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD BECAUSE IT IS THE ONLY PATH LEADING YOU THERE!.

So, I was working my plan and I got side tracked off the yellow brick road.

"Something happened on the way to the Emerald City"

#1 I had the activity
#2 I had the response I was looking for....

and that momentum completely consumed me...right back into management mode. :)

So...for the record....this boy is getting back on the yellow brick road because I need courage, a heart, and a brain...and most of all I just want to get back to Kansas!! Make sense?? My solution lies within the gates of the Emerald City.

Through the use of reverse engineering (which I'll go into more detail in a later blog) and developing a plan through one of my mentors (in another organization) I have combined the two and will be implementing it with my marketing strategy for the 90 day plan.

Hold tight....the 90 day journey to the Emerald City will continue.

"Because we are offffffffff to see the wizard....."

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 5-6: Uh oh.....things are snow balling.

Ok...I was prepared for the activity, but nobody prepared me for when the prospect says "yes".

Actually, I was prepared for it....but I have to laugh because now the juggling process of making 125 calls day starts to blossom into new customers and new business associates and THAT TAKES TIME!!!!

So, a quick run down of Friday and Monday. We have a new customer, and a new business builder. Plus, we had a full interview with someone who is quite serious about making this a full time business for themselves. (Exciting stuff!)

But when you hit those days where the activity turns to productivity....how do you balance? How do you balance prospecting with actually writing up the order? Because you can't afford to take your foot off the gas to simply fill an order...you have to keep on trekking.

So....we have 2 new associates with a total of 300 volume coming to the upline.

Here we go!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Why ask Why?

I recently came across some wise words from Michael Dloughy. A 30 year veteran in the home-based business and MLM industry. Listen to what he has to say about having a "WHY STATEMENT" This comes from the 10 pillars of success with mentoringforfree.

A nailed “WHY” can save your life.

Most people have a huge problem when they decide to improve their situation in

That problem is one or more of the people closest to you will NOT want to
see you succeed.

This is a FACT for virtually everyone on this planet, and you are no different.
You can argue with me until you’re blue in the face, but that won’t change anything.
There are people in your life who will be threatened when you make a
passionate push to success. They will complain and criticize and try to
suck the life out of you.

Why? Because THEIR life is a mess and misery truly does love company.

Your best option is to get rid of them. Next best is to have an AMAZING “WHY”,
a 99.9% “WHY”, that will keep you going through rain, sleet, snow, flood, pestilence,
nuclear holocaust, or the criticism of a “loved” one.

So why is it critical you do THIS business? And why is it critical that you succeed?

People always tell their goals.

Fine. You need goals.

But your "WHY" is a big, big, big reason that will keep you going.

Where's your fire? What do you LOVE? What do you HATE? What is REALLY important
to you? What do you REALLY want? What situation in life do you want to
get out of so it never ever, EVER happens again?
It's not goals. It's not money, either.

When I started coaching, people would write their "WHY"… usually money.
They’d need to pay a big hospital bill, or replace a car. Whatever.

But your real "WHY" is never money.

It's about who YOU really are.

Your driving factor must be WAY more than money.
It's something you want ... or something you want to get away from. Better yet,
BOTH. If your "WHY" is a 70% and you come up against an obstacle that's a
72%, you're gone. You'll drop out, disappear.
But when your "WHY" is a 99.9%, then you're here to stay and be successful.

Why are you on this planet? In one form or another, you're here to change lives,
touch lives, and help people. What were you meant to do?

Let’s Play Sherlock Holmes.

A new business is always a risk. People risk to avoid pain, or to achieve pleasure.
Answering these questions may help you find your "WHY".

·What gets you REALLY excited?
·How many hours a week do you work?
·What do you LOVE about your job?
·What do you HATE about your job?
·What do you do with your free time?
·If you had 2 months vacation and all the money you wanted, what would you
·How do you like the people you work with?
·What problem scares you to death that more money could solve?
·What do you just absolutely HATE about your life that more money could solve?
·If you had all the money you needed, what HUGE problem would go away?
·If you had all the TIME in the world to do anything you wanted, what would you
·Other than money, what are you looking for?

Discover your WHY....it makes all the difference in the world!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 3 and 4: Comedy

I got behind.....in the world of track that's never a good thing. You need to stay on pace! But...I'm planning on making up some calls this week and getting this whole thing even and squared away!

So.....I made 125 calls today! SWEET!!!! Actually today I got my tushy kicked pretty hard. The numbers didn't add up today. But the cool thing is that my call reluctance is fading.

Here are a few of my adventurous calls today.

#1 Barb the disabled lady who already had a business but felt $125 overhead for a business was to high. (Anyone know what the franchise fee each year for McDonald's is? Just curious)

#2 Jim Jones the homeless guy at the homeless shelter (for real)

#3 Judy (the lady with the loud sigh on the phone when I mentioned "Home Business")

#4 Billy Bob (who wanted me to give him a 10 second run down on "what it was all about")

After a while....some of the calls started to become amusing. But you know what? Its just a reminder that its a qualifying business. Some will, some won't, So what.......

The ONE thing that stuck out to me was obvious. Some of these prospects were on their last thread of hope. Some of these prospects were so far gone when I called them that even if I waved a million dollars in the air...they wouldn't move.

This business is not a joke and I hope that every single on of you reading this right now take this thing serious. We have people who are placing their last hope on this business. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to train them? Are you going to help them build the business? Are you going to hold their hand and walk across the finish line together?

What if I told you that right now as you read this post there is a single mother with three kids out there that is searching the Internet. Guess why she is searching the Internet? She is looking for hope. So, she goes to Monster.com and Careerbuilder.com praying that some miracle will pop out at her and give her a job or some kind of income that will allow her to support herself and her family. What does she find? She finds an ad that promises her information on how to make money from home and on the Internet.......and then she runs across scam after scam after scam.........

But not you. You can provide the one voice of hope through the darkness. You can show her a way. That's what this business can do.

You have an awesome responsibility to get the word out about your opportunity. Don't you dare sit down and even think about turning on the television without talking with at least 3 people about your opportunity today. Make a list and contact them. Make another list because you probably forgot 80% of the people you know. Call them. Get on facebook. Share your opportunity. Get on Twitter. Share your opportunity. Get involved with Chamber of Commerce. Share your opportunity. Get involved........and share your opportunity.

And that part.......is not funny. Its not comedy. Its very, very serious. We have a responsibility as business owners...so lets do it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 2: Focus

Day number two with the 90 day plan can be summarized in the following manner: FOCUS!
We live in a day in age where constant distractions can totally knock us off course, off goal, and change our focus point. You might have your eyes on the prize, but along comes a shiny object that takes your eyes away from the prize!
This sums up my day. I had a plan to make 125 calls today and only was able to squeeze 32 calls in today. I had some good reasons....but I also had some bad reasons.
1. Had to take kids to school (good reason)
2. Had to take dog to the vet (good reason)
3. Had to have lunch with sister-in-law (good reason)
4. Had to take a nap. (bad reason)
5. Had to catch up on some NFL news online (bad reason)
6. Had to meet with one of my team members on sponsoring (good reason)
7. Had to meet with another on of my team members on sponsoring (good reason)
8. Had to eat supper with family (good reason)
9. Had to meet with team at team meeting (good reason)
10. Had to deal with telemarketing calls (bad reason)
11. Had to deal with some bills and focus on our debt (bad reason)
12. Had to spend time e-mailing and face booking (bad reason)
The truth of the matter is that FOCUS is exactly what we need to succeed in what we are doing. This is a marathon NOT a sprint.....and to get distracted this early in the race is detrimental to your financial health and freedom.
Here were the results of my 32 calls.
16 voice mails left
2 wrong numbers
8 disconnects
5 not interested
1 interested
Guess what? The numbers are still holding true. Because if I get one person interested out of every 30 people I call....I'm right around 3% once I make at least 100 calls!!
"Keep your focus!"

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day One: FEAR

I'm not going to lie to you. I have call reluctance. I had call reluctance when I telemarketed in college. I had call reluctance when I sold insurance and I have call reluctance now.
What is call reluctance?
It's when you are scared and have high anxiety that little monsters will come pouring out of the phone and eat you. :) No, but seriously the phone does get very heavy and its gets very very hard to make calls.
Call reluctance is the #1 reason for failure in sales and business. Did you know that? When sales people cripple up with fear that they cease to do the activity that is required for success.
Day ONE for me on the calling boot camp was no different. I hemmed and I hawed and I made a plan, and I checked it twice and I looked all around town to find out who was naughty and nice and came home to find my wife looking at me with her arms crossed......
and she says: "Are you going to do what you said you're going to do?"
It reminded me alot of when I was a little kid standing on the diving board and staring down at the water....crippled with fear to jump....until little miss fearless pants sneaks up behind me and shoves me in!
In all sincerity, I did get motivated to finally pick up the phone and make 125 calls today.
These leads were 6 months old, and were double-opt-in leads. (Which basically means they clicked on an ad requesting stay-at-home business information TWICE) These are considered cheap-leads and 9 times out of 10 the prospect doesn't even remember clicking the little ad on the computer and putting their information into the computer. So.......needless to say I knew this was going to be a tough climb today.
Here are the results:
11 Not Interested
27 Disconnects
18 Wrong Numbers
5 Interested
64 Voice Messages left
Notice anything? The numbers don't lie. I was expecting 3% and that's about what I got out of 125 calls. Now the rest is in the follow-up.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

90 Day Calling Bootcamp

I know that I have mentioned this in a previous blog entry, but I had heard the story of "Jett" in the multi-level marketing company (Mannatech). He was (is?) the top distributor for the company and I felt his story was so compelling on "how to make it happen" in the world of marketing.

He literally called 10,000 leads in 90 days. Now....that might seem crazy (and it is) but the whole concept was to create "massive action" to get "massive results" and that's exactly what he got!

You talk about taking the bull by the throat! He totally set his business up "for life" by creating the action up front and at the beginning.


I have decided to go on a little journey over the course of the next 90 days. I figure we are in a new year and what way to bring in the new year for the business with a little calling? How about 9,000 leads over the course of those days? Yep, you got it figured out right....that would be about 125 calls a day (Monday through Saturday...at about 3,000 leads averaged in one month).

I figured its time to put the calling and numbers to the test.....and hey!!! Why not blog about it? So, over the next 90 days I will be blogging about my calling journey and hope for you to follow along.

I have been in sales now for about 18 years and have some bold predictions on my quest for sanity.

#1 I will be rejected. ......Alot actually...do the math!
#2 I will have alot of interesting conversations with people I really don't know.
#3 I will be very busy making phone calls.
#4 I will get very good at making phone calls because THAT'S ALOT OF REPETITION BABY!
#5 That the numbers will win. They always do....and my prediction is a 3% return into the business.
#6 The 3% return on my investment will help me recover quickly from the rejection. :)

So, with that being said.......tomorrow (January 5th) is our calling launch date.

5,4,3,2,1............................BLAST OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you get a chance to ride along....its going to get very, very interesting!