Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MLM Success Tip #26 "Always point to someone else"

To try and do this business by yourself would be a huge mistake.

Friends and Family trust you, because you are a "friend and family". Nothing more.

It doesn't mean that they completely believe what you are saying. However, if a 3rd party came along and verified that everything you said was "truth" they would gladly accept what you said as possible gospel.

It never ceases to amaze me how someone that my friends and family DON'T KNOW, whom they JUST MET, whom they JUST LISTENED TO ON THE PHONE will immediately trust that person. Why is that?

Think of it like this......would you do business with your neighbor? Maybe? Maybe Not? However, if you witnessed your neighbor taking the garbage out in his underwear every day, with a cigarette hanging out his mouth and a can of beer in his left hand....would you do business with him? Yes? No? What Changed?

Your family and friends LOVE you.....but they might not completely TRUST you. They know you at your BEST, but they have also seen you at your WORST. Therefore in ANY business you add a 3rd party.

You can do this through a 3-way phone call, you can do this by bringing in a public speaker or expert to speak on a subject, you can use CD's, conference calls, websites, and so on.....

In this business it's important to get OUT of the drivers seat and hand the keys to your sponsor and let them HELP you get to your first 2-3 income levels.

Don't feel bad about it either. Because you will be doing the same exact thing with your business associates and partners and team members.

Always point to someone else......and likewise.....they will always be pointing back at you.

Its a business of giving.

Friday, May 8, 2009

MLM Success Tip #25 "Magic List 100"

This is a classic example of MLM. I'm sure many of you have done this before, heard this before, seen this before, and so it seems like old news.


Did you do it right?

You make a list of 100-200 names of friends, family, work-mates, etc.....

Before you go and hide in a shell. I want you to understand that this IS networking. The average person knows 2,600 people by first name. You don't even realize it. Put yourself to work and sit down with a notebook and think of 100-200 names of people.

This can be fun. Form the list and don't ask yourself if they would do your opportunity or not. That's NOT the goal. The goal is to get a list of people. Can you do it? Get out the phone book, run through Christmas letter lists, Church member bulletins, business groups (like Jaycee's, Kiwanis, Lions club), social networking lists (like facebook, my space, twitter), cell phone number lists, the opportunities go on and on and on!

Once you get this list compiled you go through the list and you circle the TOP 10 people that you would consider your "Dream Team". These are the people that you MIGHT be scared out of your wits to ask into the business....HOWEVER.....you need to ask yourself this question while considering if they make your top 10 list..."If this person chose to do the business would they be good at it?"

More often than not we say "No" before even asking a person.

Make your list of 100-200 and come up with your top 10 business associates and your top 10 product users. (People who might not be a good fit for the business but NEED your product.)

Make the list and contact your upline to discuss a plan of action.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

MLM Success Tip #24 "Lead beyond your level"

Every business opportunity has different titles for different levels...(whether its 100K, Gold Director, Double Diamond, Executive Director, Silver Director, 200K plus plus, Ultra Mega Emerald Select Quadruple Bogey Ruby President......whatever)


Whatever your GOAL is to BECOME you need to LEAD at that LEVEL.

If your goal is to become a six digit earner in the company in 1 year, than its important not to lead like a $5 a month earner.

Even if you are at the lowest income level....you should at a minimum lead like you EXPECT to be making more.

This fits right along with treating your business like a business.

Treat your business like a business and it will pay you like a business.
Treat your business like a hobby and it will cost you alot of money.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MLM Success Tip #23 "You gotta take shots!"

I'm dedicating this post to the best player EVER to play the game of Basketball. Especially since this is tip #23....it would only be right to give a tip honoring #23 Michael Jordan.

Look....its really simple.

You miss 100% of the shots you never take.

Yes, its true. You might take 100 shots and miss 99. But the point is...if you never take a CHANCE...you are dead in the water before you even begin.

Michael Jordan took shots. He was a natural born risk taker. He drove it to the hoop and he drove it there often. He didn't make every shot. Sometimes he missed by a mile. But he took his chances and he grew up knowing that it was a game of chance. He only had control over what Michael Jordan did.....so he made the most of it.

Don't shy away from people because your "mind" tells you something different. We often put up our own set of obstacles based on a set of personal beliefs and experiences.

Don't do that.

Break through that barrier and contact the person you need to contact today to join your business or take your product.

What's the worst that could happen? Maybe they say no? Maybe you miss the shot? But at least you can say "I took a shot".