Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Do friends and family criticize you?

WHEN WINSTON CHURCHILL was a young man, his father concluded that Winston was “unfit for a career in law or politics” because he did so badly in school.

Barbra Streisand’s mother told her she wasn’t pretty enough to be an actress and she could never become a singer because her voice wasn’t good enough.

Conrad Hilton, who created a business empire with his Hilton Hotels, once overheard his father say to his mother: “Mary, I do not know what will become of Connie. I’m afraid he’ll never amount to anything.”

George Washington’s mother was a harping, complaining, self-centered woman by all accounts. She belittled Washington’s accomplishments and didn’t show up at either of his presidential inaugurations. She was always whining that her children neglected her, and she was especially enraged when her son George ran off to command the army for the American Revolution. She honestly believed it was his duty to stay home and take care of her.

In his youth, the late Leonard Bernstein, one of the most talented and successful composers in American history, was continually pressured by his father to give up his music and do something worthwhile, like help out in his family’s beauty-supply business. After Leonard became famous, his father was asked about that, and he answered, “Well how was I supposed to know he was the Leonard Bernstein?!”

People may criticize you or make fun of your ideas or actively try to stop you. Often their efforts are only attempts to protect you from failure. But failure is only a possibility if you stop. If you keep going, a “failure” is just another learning experience. And besides, giving up on a heartfelt aspiration is worse than failing. “Many people die,” said Oliver Wendell Holmes, “with their music still in them.” That’s true tragedy.

So listen politely to the worries and criticisms of your friends and family, and do your best to put their minds at ease, but then carry on. Listen last to your own heart. You know yourself better than anyone on earth. Make sure your song is sung.

Don't die with the music still in you!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thank God you can smile!

If you need more to be thankful for watch this video.....amazing the little things we take for granted.

Being Thankful

Just being a week away from Thanksgiving...I believe it's appropriate to blog on thankfulness.

The obstacle

The problem is that when things are given to us over and over, we start taking them for granted or we forget being appreciative of what we receive.

You can overcome this tendency by dedicating some time daily just to be thankful.


Simply sit somewhere where you are not disturbed. Think of anything you have (examples below).

It is not a matter of comparison, but think for a second about the millions of people who are not blessed with what you have, or are simply in a worse condition than you. Realize that you could easily not have had all the things you do have.

Say "thanks" internally. Some people like saying "thanks" loudly. You can use thankful phrases to express what you are grateful for, or find inspiration in thankful quotes. You can start a gratitude journal in which to record what you are thankful for, or you could also have a gratitude rock.

Examples of what you can be thankful for:

Simply walking or having any sense (smell, sight...).

Friends, relatives, a spouse, a partner, someone that appreciates your company, even a pet.

Possessions: clothes, a car, a house, a computer, a watch, a TV, etc.

Your job! If you like it, then wonderful; if you do not like it, realize that it still gives you money that allows you to build your life.

Your health. You may have more or less problems with your body, but you are here, you are breathing, you are alive.

Food. Do you starve daily? Do you have problems to obtain food? Many people do.

Just start the day with each foot sliding out of bed while saying "Thank" as your left foot hits the ground and "You" as your right foot hits the ground. Thank you....because I am ALIVE! Its a gift....use it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My time with Les Brown

Recently, I had an opportunity to listen to one of my favorite authors and speakers, Les Brown.

It was a FANTASTIC experience, but nothing would prepare me for what happened. I was walking around after the event and (by a stroke of luck or fate) ran RIGHT INTO LES!! What was even more LUCKY was the fact that I had his book "Live Your Dreams" in my travel pack. Talk about being at the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME!!!!

I quickly grabbed my book out of my pack and said, "Mr. Brown, I'm a huge fan of your work. Could you please sign YOUR book".

He looked at me with this look of surprise and looked down at my ORIGINAL FIRST COPIES of his book...he smiled and said, "I can't believe you have that book...wow! That's THEE book." He opened the front cover and wrote: To Dan, LES Brown P.S. You are a Winner!

Here are a few things I learned from Les Brown that day (Write these down).

1. You have to have a game plan for being here. Empower yourself!!!
2. Our Life is God's gift to us...How we live our lives is our gift to God.
3. Learn how to tell your story!! Your voice is your calling card
4. Put your money where your mouth is
5. Help people overcome "opportunity blindness" and "possibility blindness"
6. You might be through with your past...but is your past through with you? (Do some things still haunt you?)
7. Somebodies OPINION of you does not have to become your REALITY!
8. Find a coach with a proven track record
9. Get grounded! Sometimes things go up, sometimes things go down..you need to work on YOU! If you are a bum on the street when the DOW JONES comes down..what do you care? You're still a bum!! Change that.
10. Be a thermostat not a thermometer. Thermometers CHECK the temperature, thermostats SET the temperature.
11. Listen to motivation everyday! Read motivation everyday! Why? Because if you don't program your mind...your mind will get programmed! Stop watching so much negative T.V.!!!
12. Get Busy...and Walk Fast! "In life you are either ON THE WAY or IN THE WAY!!
13. There is no success with out successors. Learn from the great ones. Why? Because success leaves clues.
14. "We have all been misled with "Opportunity knocks. That's a lie. Opportunity does not knock, it stands by silently waiting for you to recognize it."

Thank You Les

The Big Drill Theory

Nobody that went looking for a drill actually wanted a drill. It's true. You might be thinking I'm crazy for bringing this little theory to the table. Just think about it. The last time you went out to buy a drill were you REALLY looking for a drill or were you looking for a way to create a HOLE?

Deep thought eh? When people go looking for something....what they are really looking for is a solution to their problems. People don't join your business because of the product, or the company. In fact, they don't join a business because of YOU. Unless...you seem to be a person who sincerely and seriously points to a solution to their problem.

If a friend looks at your business and can answer YES to 3 questions...they'll join.

1. Can I do this? or is this so complicated that it guarantees my failure?
2. Will this offer me a solution to my problem?
3. Is this the right leader to follow?

Every person has a RIGHT to dream. So....discover what kind of HOLE they are trying to make and point them to the right tool to create that hole. YOUR BUSINESS with YOUR LEADERSHIP.