Wednesday, May 6, 2009

MLM Success Tip #24 "Lead beyond your level"

Every business opportunity has different titles for different levels...(whether its 100K, Gold Director, Double Diamond, Executive Director, Silver Director, 200K plus plus, Ultra Mega Emerald Select Quadruple Bogey Ruby President......whatever)


Whatever your GOAL is to BECOME you need to LEAD at that LEVEL.

If your goal is to become a six digit earner in the company in 1 year, than its important not to lead like a $5 a month earner.

Even if you are at the lowest income should at a minimum lead like you EXPECT to be making more.

This fits right along with treating your business like a business.

Treat your business like a business and it will pay you like a business.
Treat your business like a hobby and it will cost you alot of money.

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