Thursday, July 10, 2008

The essence of team work

I had an interesting conversation with a good friend and business partner today. He had brought up some highlights that were shared with a sales team from upper management. The general point of this manager was to convey to the team that "greed is good". He went on to share that to get anywhere in life you need to be greedy and aggressive.

I understood why my friend shared this story with me. Because he knows me very well, and he knows that the "greed" mentality goes against my own belief system. I just had to shake my head in dis-belief. Yet, it didn't totally surprise me either. Harvard Business Review states that 52% of all managers shouldn't be in management. That's right, over half of people who are in management roles, jobs, careers, or positions shouldn't even be managers. So, I shouldn't be baffled when I hear stupid remarks that managers make on a daily basis.

Zig Ziglar is quoted in saying, "You can have everything you want in life, if you help others get what they want in life"

Interesting isn't it? It's the giving mentality. The more you give, the more you receive, and this isn't some Dan Cline revelation. This philosophy is plastered all over the bible. To have the opposite thought process and notion that greed is good is to fully admit that you love one of the seven deadly sins.

Let me clear in what I am saying. Greed is not good. It doesn't help you get what you want in life. It might help you get somewhere over the short term, but over the long term it spells out death. It spells out complete failure and catastrophe in sales, business, school, relationships, and in life. You don't get what you want in life by having a "me first" mentality. You get somewhere in life because you fully understand the essence of team work.

I started the team "teamworkfirst" because I wanted to give the ever lasting impression that putting "others first" would not only reward you financially, but MOST importantly reward you in life. What a great feeling it is when you give back. My encouragement to anyone reading this is to GIVE, and GIVE HUGE!! It will change your life.

I love the game of football, and I will leave you this last point. In the game of football it represents what we go through in life. You have a common goal (to score a touch down) but you also have an opposing obstacle trying to prevent you from accomplishing that goal (life's set backs). You have two options in the game. You can trust your ability and talents and try to score that touchdown on your own, or you can trust and work together with your team's overall talents and gifts and work towards scoring the touchdown together (teamwork). It's not impossible for one person to out perform eleven people on the other side...but it is extremely difficult. It's nearly impossible to stop eleven people working together...and the odds improve nearly 100% that you'll score that touchdown! Get on a winning team and do your part! Give back and help others and good things will happen!

By the way.....up in the upper right corner of this post is the main core of my team!

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