Thursday, July 10, 2008

Live your dreams!!

Have you ever listened to someone talk about their dreams? Sometimes it absolutely amazes me. Try it some time. Take interest in others and sit down with them for thirty minutes to an hour and affirm them and ask honest questions.

"Wow! That's really neat Joe. How long have you been interested in starting and running a crab restaurant? Amazing! 13 years? How come you haven't begun the process of getting one going? I think it sounds like a cool idea! Who doesn't like crab? Plus, I think 'Joe's Crab Shack' sounds like a very catchy name! You should go for it! Do you have a business plan? Where would you get the working capital? I'm sure there are some open minded investors out there!"

A little bit of interest in others and affirmation and encouragement can go along way!

In the book, "The Dream Giver", it lays out the cycles we go through in developing and sharing our dreams. It would be a marvelous thing to think we would never encounter objections in our dream process. Unfortunately, we encounter the biggest objections from friends and family. Quite frankly, those objections hurt the most because it's from our friends and family that we seek the largest amount of support.

We live in a negative society. Let's face it! You can't even turn on the television or radio without being blasted with negative stories. Apparently, negativity sells? The next time you encounter someone that has a dream as big as yours....give em a little boost! Listen to them, ask questions, and affirm them. You never might be talking with the next Sam Walton and hearing about a dream of Wal-Mart?

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