Tuesday, April 28, 2009

MLM Success #22 "Don't be Lazy"

I had a discussion with a person on the phone the other day about Network Marketing.

It went like this......

"The reason why 97% of people fail in network marketing and never make any money is because only 3% of people have the "know how" to be successful in that business model. Either you have it or you don't. You have to be able to sell to people...and not very many people have the gift to sell, especially me. Most people will fail in this business."

and my response was.....

"You're right"

There was a long pause at the end of the line because I'm sure that I shocked the daylights out of him. I wasn't calling this prospect to sell him anything. I wasn't calling him to convince him of anything different than what he was already thinking. I was calling him to sort through a batch of leads that I purchased. He completely disqualified himself. NOT WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR.

"Have a great day sir" CLICK

But, he was right. Most people WILL FAIL in MLM. But not for any reason that he listed.

Do you want to know the ONLY reason people fail at ANYTHING?

People fail because they choose to fail. That's why. They choose to fill their schedules with unproductive activities that take them away from their goals. They get distracted. They lose focus and when they look back each year on their live...they wonder "what happened?"

They treat their business like a hobby.

Most people fail in MLM because it was never a business in their heart and in their mind. They didn't treat it like a business and treated it like a joke and guess what? It became one.

Most people fail PERIOD because they take the path of least resistance EVERY SINGLE TIME. And its very predictable. Its called 'human behavior". We are lazy. PERIOD.

Very few people out there have the hunger, the drive to form the habits needed to break the bad habits they already have.

Steven Covey states that to break a habit you must form another habit to replace it. We are naturally habitual people. So...form new habits instead of making excuses.

Did Michael Jordan wake up one day and get blessed with the ability to play basketball? Did it JUST HAPPEN? No. In fact, he never made his high school basketball team when he was a sophmore. He had to work at it.

Did Tiger Woods wake up and say..."Golly Gee, I'm so good at golf that I don't need a coach" No. He went out and hired a swing coach. He had to work at it.

Did Thomas Edison sit back and just invent things on the first try? No. He did trial after trial after trial until after the 999th time of failing he finally invented the light bulb. He had to work at it.

The only reason people fail is because they DON'T WORK AT GETTING BETTER.

1. They have poor people skills and don't work on improving them
2. They have a negative attitude and never fill their life with any motivational material
3 They have a lack of focus and never work on it
4. A weak commitment and never commit to ANYTHING
5. Unwillingness to change
6. A short cut mind-set
7. Rely on Talent and have a poor work ethic
8. and they have Zero Goals

And all of the above can be summed up into one word


If you want to be successful in anything in life..lets cut the excuses. Lets get off our "Buts" and do something. And believe me they are all "Buts"...But I can't, But I won't, But I don't have time, But my job,

Nobody is going to spoon feed you anything in life. And if the only thing in life you are looking for is a free hand out....than the man on the phone was right. Most people ARE destined to fail.

Choose to take the path of MOST resistance. Nothing that was ever WORTH it in life came easy.

I know that MLM is right. Because its not easy. That's how I know. If it was easy...everyone would be doing it.

Separate yourself from the lazy....and go after it.

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