Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Failing Forward

In business and in life we strive for perfection. We excel in knowing that we 'got it right...the first time'. We measure success with victory and live to tell the story of Super Bowl Champs and paste giant "Loser" signs on Super Bowl losers. Lets face it...nobody remembers who finishes 2nd place in our society. They only remember the winners.

In order to get need to throw out that philosophy. Not only is it impractical, its not realistic and its certainly NOT healthy. You don't win from winning. You win from losing. When you lose and when you stumble you LEARN. Its in life's lessons that we get stronger. It's in the little failures and big failures where we get better. No child learned to ride a bike without scraped up knees. Its the nicks, bruises and burns along the way that make us who we are.

John Maxwell in his book, "Failing Forward" hits the nail on the head.

"One of the greatest problems people have with failure is that they are too quick to judge isolated situations in their lives and label them as failures. Instead, they need to keep the bigger picture in mind. Someone like Tony Gwynn doesn't look at an out that he makes and think of failure. He sees it within the context of the bigger picture. His perspective leads to perseverance. His perseverance brings longevity. And his longevity gives him opportunities for success."

No matter where you are currently in life....come to realize that mistakes and failures build you into success.

Thomas Edison discovered the phonograph while trying to invent something different. Kellog's Corn Flakes resulted when boiled wheat was left in a baking pan over night. Ivory Soap floats because a batch was left in the mixer too long and a large volume of air whipped into it. Scott Towels were launched because a toilet paper machine put too many layers together.

Fail....Fail often, Fail early and Fail Forward!!

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