Tuesday, March 10, 2009

MLM Success Tip #14 "Understand Numbers"

This is a numbers game.

Anyone that tells you different either is selling you something else (like their CD, their e-book, their training material, website, book, seminar).

We seek two things in life...#1 Pleasure #2 How to escape pain

If something is easy, free, doesn't require much time, doesn't require talking with people and appears like we can get rich quick...we jump.


Have you ever read this phrase while looking for ways to do your business better? "THE SECRET FOR MLM SUCCESS!!!"

Well, I'm going to share with you the secret.

Are you ready?

I hope so, because this is going to blow your mind.

Go grab a pen and get ready to write this down because it will change your life.

The secret to MLM success....(and remember this has only been known by the upper ONE PERCENT of all successful network marketing millionaires) is.....................

Drum Roll.............................

There is no secret. Ta dah!

There isn't a company, product, gadget, gizmo, compensation plan, leadership team, in the world that is going to make YOU successful. That all comes from you.


The successful MLM leaders that get and understand the theory behind "large numbers" wins.

Here's why. Because this ISN'T SALES. You are not trying to convince ANYONE about the business. Either they are interested or they're not. The numbers show that 3 out of 100 will do your business.

So.....why do 95% of people fail in network marketing? Because they don't work the numbers and they don't let the numbers work for them.

Take massive action with massive numbers and compress those numbers within a short time frame.

See, alot of leaders teach the 3 X 3 method. Where three get three and they get three and they get three to infinity.

What happens?

Somewhere along the line bobby joe recruits mary jane and she recruits uncle Tom who really doesn't care either way and we suffer......."attrition".

You won't keep 100% of the people you sponsor in your group or downline. They will fall out for one reason or another. So....if you take the slow method and it takes 1 year to attract 14 people into the business, and 2 months later they are all out of the business....you will always be playing catch up!! HOWEVER, if you take those same 14 people and compress them into a ONE WEEK time frame. What happens?

You gain momentum. You gain excitement. The train has left the station and is picking up speed, and believe me...people don't want to jump from a fast moving train.

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