Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Soda Pop Story

There once was a man who loved Soda. He loved it so much that he decided to start a Soda Pop company and he named it 3-UP didn't take very long before the man quickly realized that the soda business was a disaster. The soda recipe wasn't right and nobody liked the taste of the lime flavored drink. It wasn't like the other dark colored cola's around and people were not in favor of the change.

So, without giving up, the man changed the recipe to be a little more sweet, and a little more crisp in taste. This time he named the soda 4-UP. Again, the consumers couldn't latch onto the idea of a clear colored soda pop.

The man didn't quit. He changed the labels, and he got more aggressive with his advertising techniques....and this time he named the soda 5-UP. Well, for whatever reason the advertising techniques didn't work and the soda got mixed reviews, but it still failed.

The beaten down business guy didn't give up. He decided to give everything he had to get the soda off the ground. He sold his car to raise more funds for advertising and he changed the recipe one last time to add more citrus lime flavor. He packaged the drink in a green bottle rather than a clear one....and this time...he called the soda 6-UP. And people started to like the fact, they really started to switch over to the lime flavored drink. But in time...after the trial phase was over the people went back to their regular flavored cola's and the soda pop business man went out of business. He was beaten down, tired.....and QUIT!.

Two years unknown man in his early 20's got a hold of the old business plan. He bought it for a $1 and made a few changes to the label on the bottle..and began to market the drink as a way to help settle an upset stomach....this time he named the soda 7-UP. And it was an instant success........

Moral of the story....never are only a distributor away from HUGE success.

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