Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Pyramid of Success--(The Corner Stones)

John Wooden (The most successful coach of our time) had a core belief system that he modeled after a pyramid. "The Pyramid of Success". He had a blown up picture of the model above put on the wall behind his desk so that every single parent and player that came to UCLA would see it. He believed the structure of the pyramid demonstrated his model best because it is still known today as the most solid structure. In fact, it was so well built that today it is the only 7th wonder of the ancient world still standing.

He began his "Pyramid of Success" with the cornerstones. These two corners of his pyramid were the two MOST IMPORTANT pieces of his success model. In construction, the cornerstone represents the most stable and important piece of the structure. If you have a weak cornerstone...the rest of the structure will crumble. That is why he chose these two success elements to help build the first part of the foundation.

1. Hard Work (Industriousness)

It might seem simple, but in fact what he means is hard work from the time you get up in the morning until you sleep at night. No time wasted. Every minute of your day accounted for where you are working towards your goal with 100% effort. This step alone can reap you ALOT of success.

2. Enthusiasm

Coach says it best...."Work without joy is drudgery. Drudgery does not produce champions, nor does it produce great organizations. You will not reach the top if you and those you lead are wearily trudging along, waiting for the workday to end so you can move on to something you'd rather do."

You gotta love what you do! Where does your energy come from in what you do?
And it makes alot of sense that he placed these two steps as the cornerstone for success. They both support each other and are a good start to a stong foundation for success.

What are you doing TODAY, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, to move your business forward?

The insurance company (AFLAC) uses a simple business model to illustrate this point (using the same strategy of John Wooden). It's called the power of ONE. Every day you should be contacting one person, Having one appointment, and writing one application. If you do ONE thing a day in your business....your business will move forward and you will hit success.

Dale Swain (who I had the honor to work personally with in this industry) is one of the top leaders in USANA. He says it best, "Do ONE your business EVERYDAY..and you'll find financial freedom"

Doing one thing a day in your business takes dedication and hard work. If you add a little enthusiasm and excitement to that mix, according to Coach John Wooden, you have the two cornerstone's in place for success.

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