Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Go-Giver

In response to Mike's e-mail...I wanted to share a short list of books I have been reading over the last few months to give you an idea of how much development I do outside of regular business.

1. Think and Grow Rich- Napolean Hill
2. Keys to the Vault Volumes 1 & 2 - Bob Schmidt
3. Failing Forward- John C. Maxwell
4. Awaking the Giant Within- Anthony Robbins
5. The Secret-many authors
6. Wealth Without a Job- Phil Laut
7. Why we want you to be Rich- Trump and Kiyosaki
8. Rich Dad Poor Dad- Kiyosaki
9. Money, and the law of attraction-Esther and Jerry Hicks
10. See you at the top- Zig Ziglar
11. The Holy Bible-NIV- God

and my latest book I'm reading is........

12. The Go-Giver- Bob Burg and John David Mann

This is an outstanding book...and I encourage each of you to go out and order it today! It's a little story about a powerful business idea.

Think about what you are currently reading and listening too? Does it reflect where you want to go in both your personal life and business life?

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