Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wooden On Leadership

It wasn't too long ago when I was reading the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. In one of his chapters I remember vividly the fact that every night (before he went to bed) he would surround himself with his "master mind group". Any leader or successful person that he could draw a picture from, learn from, and model himself after....some of these great people were notable "untouchables" or famous people who are no-longer living, so how could he even remotely get close to these great minds? By reading their work and their books.

I can't stress enough how important it is to read and learn self-improvement. In fact, I would love to hear from anyone reading my blog what they are currently reading?

So....I thought to myself....what great leader do I highly respect? What leader would I like to learn from in the art of "winning"? It didn't take me too long to come up with the name "Coach John Wooden". With his merits:

*10 National Championships (a record)
*Including 7 Championships in a row (a record)
*88 consecutive victories (a record)
*38 straight tournament playoff wins (a record)
*4 perfect seasons (a record)
*With only one losing season (His First) in 41 years of coaching

Obviously, I wanted to get inside this champions head and get a little insight. So, I bought his book, "Wooden on Leadership" and I already have made my money back from the investment in Chapter 1. Read below...what he writes in the first Chapter.

For most of my life I have believed that success if found in the running of the race. How you run the race--your planning, preparation, practice, and performance--counts for everything. Winning or losing is a by-product, and aftereffect, of that effort. For me, it's the quality of your effort that counts most and offers the greatest and most long-lasting satisfaction

Remember my father's advice: Set your standards high; namely do the absolute best of which you are capable. Focus on running the race rather than winning it. Do those things necessary to bring forth your personal best and don't lose sleep worrying about the competition. Let the competition lose sleep worrying about you. Teach your organization to do the same.

Amazing stuff isn't it? WOW!!! I will tell you in short, that I was cross-recruited last night for another MLM organization. While I started to share my opportunity with this man...he interrupted me (once he figured I was IN and FOR Network Marketing) and began to cross-recruit me for HIS business. I listened to him tell a story of how this specific area in Russia is Highly Radio-Active and it causes the fruits and vegetables to grow at an extra-ordinary rate and they use these fruits and vegetables in a product that is soooooo much better than MY product. Not to mention, that his mother was one of the top leaders in the company and that I would make 3 times more money.

I smiled and complimented him on being part of such an interesting company (especially one that adds cancer causing radio-active elements to their product) and asked a subtle question.

"So, Roger, being that your Mom is one of the top leaders of the company....and that you work with her. How come your not full-time?" (He had told me previously that he was working for $8 an hour and hated his job.) If what you have is so great, how come you waited to approach me about the product and business? How many people do you have in your organization? How much volume are you moving each month? Who are the leaders in your company and what is their background?"

You see, questions are powerful stuff! He didn't know what he was talking about and clearly wasn't right for my team. It took me less than a minute to determine that fact. Coach Wooden said it best...I don't lose sleep over the competition. I do my very best and when I encounter them...I already know how to overcome objections, ask the right questions to the right people, and know how to present the business and product to people. How? By sharpening my tools. When I'm not presenting the business...I'm reading about it. When I'm not talking about the business...I'm learning about it. I'm getting sharper and better and stronger.....and I encourage you to do the same. Pick up a good book today and get ready to get into the game! That way...when your number is called YOU are READY!!!!

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