Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back Injury

I'm sure that many of you don't know that I injured my back about two weeks ago. It was an injury that I didn't fully discover until the next morning AFTER it occurred. However, as I tried to get out of bed the next morning....I quickly realized that I couldn't move. In fact, every time I tried to move it felt as if a small 8 inch knife was being stabbed near my lower spine.

To make a long story short. I eventually went to the Chiropractor and discovered I had a herniated disc in my back.

I apologize for not blogging during my recovery stage, but it dawned on me today during my rehabilitation that

#1 I'm not handicapped.

Thank God for that! It puts things in perspective when you KNOW that you're getting better and day in and day out there are others who live like this EVERY DAY!

#2 My income checks from my home-based business never stopped!

If you ever wanted to get a compelling reason to get started in network marketing...there it is!! What if you get injured? What if you can't work? Every day people are living pay check to pay check, instead of working part time for wages, and full time on their fortune!

Build something that will last for you and your family. Work in the present to build for the future!

Yes, my back injury situation is temporary, but the business that was put into place before it happend is built with a life-time gurantee! That's the power of residual income.

You all have a very powerful business model sitting on your lap! Don't waste it!

P.S. It was comforting to hear my Chiropractor suggest our juice for one of the anti-inflammatory's to take during the recovery!

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