Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I was conversing through e-mail with my online marketing colleague, Cory Citron, and through the course of our communication I stumbled upon his blog where he mentioned his latest read, TRIBES by Seth Godin. I was further intrigued when both Carlos Aponte and Aaron Rashkin ALSO mentioned the book.

It's a very deep book. It's a quick read, but by no means does it do you any justice reading it once. Take your time and re-read it again. I only say this because the information is so good and makes complete sense in the new world of marketing.

I especially like his reference to "The Grateful Dead". Even though I am not a Dead Head and have no clue what the term "2-14-70" means, it did make perfect sense when he explained that the Dead never had a top 40 album. Ever. But, it didn't prevent them from selling thousands and thousands of albums and selling out concert after concert after concert. Why? Because they had a following. They had the "dead heads" behind was their tribe. Their success wasn't from a music perspective. Their success was from making their music an "experience". It was a group you WANTED to be a part of.

Today, the online marketing spectrum is the same. We have new tribes forming from Twitter, and Facebook. The communication spectrum is increasing and so is the marketing that walks along side it. Why? Because tribes need leaders.

Its worth a read.....

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