Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You are under attack!!!!

I have mentioned this before in this blog. However, MORE THAN EVER, is it important to guard your mind, your attitude, your heart and your belief systems! You are constantly under attack from negative outside influence. Let me give you a brief example of what I mean....

Everyday, when I open my Internet connection I am introduced to a lead page that gives me a run down of the daily headlines in the news (Both in the world and local). I will list some TRUE headlines over the past 2 days.

1. Police shooting sparks riots in two Greek cities
2. Militants in Pakistan torch more than 160 US and NATO vehicles
3. Tribune company prepares for possible bankruptcy filing
4. U.S. special forces mistakenly kill 6 Afghan police
5. Rio Tinto to cut 14,000 jobs to cope with slump
6. Whole sale inventories, sales plunge in October
7. Black Hole AIG needs another $10 Billion
8. California will be out of money by March
9. Illinois Governor arrested for bribery.
10. Chrysler executive says car maker failure could spark depression
11. Robbers in drag get million in Paris jewel theft
12. Top Indian officials admit "lapses in attacks from terrorist"
13. Budget Crunches happening world wide
14. Mayo Clinic is targeted by a telemarketing scam
15. Fire Fighter loses house in Fire
16. Students make a pitch to save the band program from school cuts
17. Employers cut 533K jobs in November (most in 34 years)
18. Oil plummets on dire US jobs figures
19. Citibank lays off 10,000
20. AT&T lays off 12,000

Happy, Happy, Happy..............................................

Does this make my point?

We are surrounded by negative images everyday from the T.V., Newspaper, Internet....all media outlets. Our minds and attitudes are easily influenced by outside forces. It's important to protect yourself....and feed it full of positive material.

In fact, Hitler's propaganda specialist use to say, "If you tell a lie often enough, eventually that lie will become the truth"

Things are not as bad as the media would like you to think.

1. Interest rates are at an all time low. This is the biggest opportunity for real-estate investors in 20-30 years.

2. Home-based business has seen an increase in sales and business thanks to the false security that corporations provide.

3. The stock market is at the lowest its been in 30 plus years, providing opportunity for investors.

To contradict Chicken-Little: "The sky is NOT falling"

Keep focused. Stay positive. Stay away from the negative media! Go buy a motivational book or CD!!! Now is the time to protect yourself from the attack.

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